Thursday, September 07, 2006

Jabba the Hutt

As disgusting as Jabba was, he did his job well. If you have played any of the Star Wars games or know anything about the extended universe, the Hutts are a bunch of Al Capone types. It’s not like they can do anything else. If you’ve heard of a Jedi hutt, let me know. Jabba was in a class by himself because of his location in the star system. This allowed a lockdown of sorts on smuggling. With the loot he was making, all he had to do was hire a bounty hunter to go off world and take care of business. One of which was Boba Fett.

Even though Jabba have everything on lock, his whole organization in order and a rancor in his basement, he gets killed by a woman in a bathing suit. Choked out by your slave girl. There’s a way to go… If he had killed Leia instead of the twi’lek, he might have been able to get away before Han and Luke went on their rampage.

Oh well. Hindsight is 20/20.


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