Thursday, January 04, 2007

Where is it?

I'm still waiting for the news about the Star Wars TV show. I feel ripped off that Lucas started making Indiana Jones with Harrison Ford, who is too flippin old for the part, instead of giving us the Star Wars lovin. What's really going on?

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Lightsaber


Pure Genius

How did George Lucas come up with this? To think of Jedi wasn't that big of a deal to me. Having studied various religions with my family as a kid, when I got older, I could see the influence they had on the ficticious Jedi. The lightsaber still blows me away. The colors and looks. The features. The different styles. I thought those things were invincible until I learned about the Yuuzhan Vong and Mandalorian Melee Shields. After learning about all the classes of Jedi and the various force abilities, just to run into people who could actually stand up to them was amazing. With the Vong, they are not affected by force abilities, as per my understanding. They live outside the force. So what is your only hope: the lightsaber.

Even though there are plenty of advancements to parry or deflect lightsabers, it is still an awesome weapon. Anyone could pick up a blaster and shoot. Only a skilled duelists could even use a lightsaber and not chop off his own limbs. I have to give props to GL. That single handedly created a generation of people who are comic book artists, graphic artists and designers of all sorts just because of the creativity he put and allowed into the Star Wars universe.

A lot of people could have came up with the story, costumes, races, typical good vs. evil plot. I think the one think that separates Star Wars from any other similar storyline is the lightsabers.

Lightsabers: The best thing since sliced bread

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Jabba the Hutt

As disgusting as Jabba was, he did his job well. If you have played any of the Star Wars games or know anything about the extended universe, the Hutts are a bunch of Al Capone types. It’s not like they can do anything else. If you’ve heard of a Jedi hutt, let me know. Jabba was in a class by himself because of his location in the star system. This allowed a lockdown of sorts on smuggling. With the loot he was making, all he had to do was hire a bounty hunter to go off world and take care of business. One of which was Boba Fett.

Even though Jabba have everything on lock, his whole organization in order and a rancor in his basement, he gets killed by a woman in a bathing suit. Choked out by your slave girl. There’s a way to go… If he had killed Leia instead of the twi’lek, he might have been able to get away before Han and Luke went on their rampage.

Oh well. Hindsight is 20/20.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Our first official post goes to the ‘man’ himself. I remember as a kid talking about how strong Yoda was and Yoda was the best, he was better than so-in-so, etc. I still don’t think that Yoda has been given his props. Because of our mainstream culture, most people think they know about Star Wars by watching the 6 movies and that was that. Whoever you know that thinks that’s the case, smack them for me. Thanks. So let’s face facts: Yoda is over 900 yrs old. Anyone that old and still able to kid butt is ‘The Man’ in my book. I waited over 20 years to see Yoda fight and I still think the scene with Dooku, Obi-Wan and Palpatine wasn’t enough. When I play the game and read some of the books (pre-Phantom Menace), the Jedi are insane. The way they combine their powers, the fights against bounty hunters, various traps they escape from, are amazing. Who taught them? Yoda.

Most people haven’t read the books because they don’t want to be classified as a Star Wars nerd or whatever. Some plain old don’t have the time. Those who do have the time and have read the books, inform your fellow man about the superbness that is Yoda. Don’t let people think that he was looking like a clown in Episodes 2 and 3. The media had a field day with Yoda vs. Dooku. At the very least, buy the Clone Wars DVDs and fill in the gaps for people visually. My mom even watched those.

All in all, mad props go to Yoda for being around to train the Force Sensitive people. If not for Yoda, I’m sure a lot more people would have turned to the Dark Side. Are there other books that highlight Yoda’s exploits using the force or saber skills? Let me know, I’d love to check it out.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

May the Force Be With You, Always...

I don’t think we get enough Star Wars in our lives. Plenty of people think that watching the movies are all that’s needed to know about the Star Wars universe. This blog is for informing people otherwise.